Why Antakshari is the Best Indian Game Ever

 It can transform the wallflower into a star

Even the besur can become a singer

Makes the long journey short – हँसते हँसते काट जाये रस्ते (in a different way than this of course)

Being good at antakshari instantly makes you cool

What would we do on a picnic without Antakshari?

…And how would the boys patao the girls?

It’s a message for the ‘अनजान’ ‘उपरवाला

Uncle, aunty, are hugely impressed by your rendition of that bhajan! (you must be such a GOOD BOY!)

It’s an excuse to shake a leg

And no one minds if you don’t look that pretty doing it

Belting out songs starting from obscure letters – as magical as pulling a rabbit out of your hat (or a Kabootar or two)

If your ‘Antakshari Knowledge’ is good, everyone wants you on their team

You can sing a song from ‘Dh’? You genius You!

14.It’s a way to score over the mother in law

Antakshari is a way to confess your love –your दिल की बात

The variations are endless: Rain Songs, Songs about ‘ज़ुल्फें


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