10 Irrefutable Facts That Will Make You Believe Why Staying Single Is Not Good For You

We are often told that the ideal way to drive through life is by having a perfect partner. I think those sayings were all correct. There is no fun in staying a lone wolf. Afterall, all that freedom you get being single seems too much to handle after a point. Here, 10 reasons why being single sucks:

1. Because staying single means the only compliments you will get are from your mother.

2. Because being single leaves you with No One to Even Rub Your Back, forget about sex. The desperation for what eventually makes you go fanatically crazy. 

3. Being single means you’re going to spend more than 40 hours watching porn in a week. Not Good! 

4. For some reason, you now over-analyze every text that’s been sent by a girl, which is only pushing you towards friendzone. 

5. It makes you listen to all the terrible dating advice your friends have got for you. 

6. It leaves you with too much of “Me Time’’ to deal with. 

7. Being single means being the odd one out – on New Year’s Eve, the Valentine’s Day or any other social meetup this world has ever discovered. 

8. Half of your day’s productivity now goes into figuring out if someone is into you.

9. Because every single interaction with a beautiful girl now seems so meaningful.

10. And worst of all, your family keeps asking you if you are seeing anyone. And after getting a constant denial to that question for a period of time, they start believing that.


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