7 Reasons Why We Cherish Our Childhood More Than The Kind Of Life We Have Today
1. Back then we used to play for hours with those few toys that our parents had bought for us.
For girls, making up their Barbie dolls and setting up their virtual houses used to be the best play.
And now we have everything. A personal TV set, a laptop to browse whatever we want, and maybe an Xbox as well, but where is that thrill.
2. When we used to walk by the side of our father holding his hand and sometimes he suddenly carry us on his shoulder overwhelmed by his fatherly love.
And now we have Volkswagen Polo 1.4 litre which is much faster and maybe more comfortable, but no shoulder to jump on.
3. Those were the days when we had to worry about nothing, all we had to do was follow what our parents say and let the day go the way it does. They were our cocoon.
And now we have all the things to worry about and struggle everyday to think who we can truly trust.
4. Those childhood plays on debt and equity used to be so much fun.
And now when have to deal with them for real, we look for excuses to run away. From all the chores we are subjected to complete.
5. Back then we used to crave to eat out. We never loved the food our mother made for us with so much love.
And now, that option is no more available to us.
6. Earlier we knew how to experience reality as it is, appreciate it for what it is, and be happy that it is.
But now we have learnt the art of expectations. Expectations that have little to do with reality.
7. Back then the troubles of personal appearance and self-image did not enter our minds.
But now we waste a lot of time and energy trying to look more cool than others, even though we know its way more fun to forget that all, and just be yourself.
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